“Faire famille” dans et par l’espace : vers un habitus multilocal ?

Cet article introduit le dossier thématique « Transformations familiales et mobilité résidentielle » en ré-interrogeant la notion d’habitus à la lumière des processus de socialisation et des pratiques spécifiques au ‘faire famille’ en contexte de mobilité résidentielle, tant à l’intérieur qu’au travers de frontières nationales.

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« Families facing the Italian lockdown: Temporal adjustments and new caring practices in shared physical custody arrangements »

Objective: This paper investigates the impact of the 2020 Covid-19 related Spring Lockdown in Italy on families practicing shared physical custody (SPC) arrangements for their children. Background: Those family configurations partly challenge the dominant ‘mother as main carer model’ that characterizes Italian society. Here, we consider the lockdown as a « challenge-trial » to analyze the strategies that these…

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The SOHI: Operationalizing a New Model for Studying Teenagers’ Sense of Home in Post-divorce Families

This chapter explores the important question of whether, and under which condi-tions, children alternating between two distinct family dwellings can develop a sense of home that might nourish a sense of belonging to their sometimes, complex family configurations. We first present a theoretical framework to understand the various dimensions that influence children’s sense of home…

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Rethinking the Interconnections between Family Socialization and Gender through the Lens of Multi-local, Post-separation Families

This paper presents new avenues for the study of gender socialisation within families, through a focus on children growing “in” and “between” two homes in the context of shared physical custody arrangements. Each of these two homes are indeed governed by specific gender regimes, that children must appropriate, negotiate and navigate to construct their own…

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