Field Notes


Un Prix de la recherche pour notre équipe

Laura Merla et Sarah Murru ont remporté le 3ème prix de la recherche 2021 du Comité Femmes & Sciences, thématique...
visuel Murru custody

Italian legal frame for separation, divorce, and child custody

This report examines the legal framework with regards to couple separation, divorce and child custody in Italy, and offers a...

‘Doing’ and ‘Displaying’ Family in Polymediatic Environments: Conceptual Tools for the Analysis of Teenagers’

This chapter identifies interesting tools for the study of children’s creative digital practices in the family sphere, by articulating two...

« Families facing the Italian lockdown: Temporal adjustments and new caring practices in shared physical custody arrangements »

Objective: This paper investigates the impact of the 2020 Covid-19 related Spring Lockdown in Italy on families practicing shared physical custody...

MobileKids at the 15th European Sociological Association Conference (ESA)

The MobileKids Team was thrilled to participate in the 15th ESA conference. Originally planned to be held in Barcelona, it was...

The SOHI: Operationalizing a New Model for Studying Teenagers’ Sense of Home in Post-divorce Families

This chapter explores the important question of whether, and under which condi-tions, children alternating between two distinct family dwellings can...