‘Doing’ and ‘Displaying’ Family in Polymediatic Environments: Conceptual Tools for the Analysis of Teenagers’


This chapter identifies interesting tools for the study of children’s creative digital practices in the family sphere, by articulating two aspects of children’s lives where ICTs play an important role: the everyday management of presence and absence in family life, and the practices that support how family continues to be ‘done’ in this context; and the construction and production of self in a context where family and peer relations are in large part mediated by digital media. The chapter discusses how families are ‘done’ in polymediatic environments, and examines the new forms of co-presence that children engage in. Then, it examines processes of identity construction in relation with teenagers’ uses of ICTs with their peer groups, and connects this discussion with practices of ‘displaying family’.


Laura Merla
Kristina Papanikolaou

Full Reference

Merla Laura & Papanikolaou Kristina, (2021) ‘Doing’ and ‘Displaying’ Family in Polymediatic Environments: Conceptual Tools for the Analysis of Teenagers’ Digital Practices. In: Mikats J., Kink-Hampersberger S., Oates-Indruchová L. (eds) Creative Families. Palgrave Studies in Mediating Kinship, Representation, and Difference. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-70803-0_6
